EXTRA LEAGUE PLAY FOR COMPETITIVE PLAYERSCompetitive play is our current highest level of soccer play. Competitive play covers a fairly wide range of teams, players and playing opportunities and extra league play is a part of SF Glens's competitive program only available to current SF Glens Soccer Club competitive players to support the development of players by offering more league play.
The first few teams of an age group (Academy teams) play at the highest levels of travel soccer available to them and participate in NorCal State Cup, which runs from fall into January sometimes February. Other competitive teams may elect to participate in Futsal/indoor soccer league by SF Rec and Park Department. For Academy teams, NorCal State cup is included in the annual fee. For Non-Academy NorCal teams and SF Competitive teams, extra league play is NOT included in the annual fee and may participate in extra league play for additional fee.
NorCal Winter LeagueNorCal STATE CUP