How to check the status of US Club Soccer registration?
US Club Soccer (NorCal League) is moving to Sports Engine platform starting 2019/20 season. Please note that the profile picture that you upload for your player will be printed on the player pass for the games. The club does NOT have editing capability or is NOT able upload picture for your player.
Please upload a picture without sunglasses, face painting or hat AND without distracting background. The best example would be a passport photo.
Please upload a picture without sunglasses, face painting or hat AND without distracting background. The best example would be a passport photo.
1. Login to your account on
2. Click on Continue Button for My Account
3. Click on the Profiles on the left column and you will see all your players.
4. Click on the player that you would like to check the status for. Click on "View Details" for US Club Soccer located right bottom corner.
5. The status shows "ELIGIBLE". You are good to go!
If the status shows"INELIGIBLE", please click on the "Player - Competitive" to see what items you are missing
If the status shows"INELIGIBLE", please click on the "Player - Competitive" to see what items you are missing
How to contact Sports Engine for help?
Please visit Sports Engine support page for the FAQs and contact information